Contender’s Corner

Now is the Son of Man Glorified

This is the centre of the gospel - this is what the Garden of Gethsemane and Good Friday are all about - that God has done astonishing and costly things to draw us near. -- Dr. John Piper The time came in Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover. Jewish pilgrims from all over the … Continue reading Now is the Son of Man Glorified

Musical Worship: Who God Is, What He Has Done

Think about this past Sunday morning. Think about your local body of Christ coming together to corporately worship our holy God. Think about the songs that were sung. Think about the lyrics that were lifted up to God. Now, consider this question: were the lyrics about Christ or about you? The songs we sing to … Continue reading Musical Worship: Who God Is, What He Has Done

Church History: Jewish Backdrop

Before we start our long, meaningful journey into church history, there is a crucial point that needs to be made. The word “church” truly begins in the New Testament, but we must see that church history starts even further than that. Church history has a beautiful Jewish backdrop. We must realize that the apostles did not … Continue reading Church History: Jewish Backdrop

The Frightening Thought of Being Used by God

Soul Food

I told my wife, Michelle, “You know – when you have a cause you strongly believe in, you want to get the word out to the masses. But, when it does begin to get out to the masses it is somewhat terrifying.”

I recently wrote a blog about suicide and the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why. Apparently, it struck a chord with the public because, in a week’s time, it was viewed just under 200,000 times in 154 countries. In addition, two local TV stations ran stories on it. You can view those stories here, and here.

As the blog I wrote spread I have been forced to continually fight off fear and insecurity. I’ve lost count of how many people from all over the U.S. – and close to home – have contacted me to talk about their own painful journeys. The more people who contacted me…

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The Three R’s: Why Christians Sing

It is the first Monday of the month so we will be discussing worship through song today. The other day I read an article from a man whom I really respect, Bob Kauflin. He is the head guy of Sovereign Grace Music and the one who leads the music at Together for the Gospel. His … Continue reading The Three R’s: Why Christians Sing